Saturday, December 25, 2010

XMas Fish says hello!

This morning was the busiest I've ever seen it. All kinds of swimmers, kids splashing around, old people just walking through the pool and stirring up all the sand. Good times, good times. Oh well it's only 1 day of the year ...

Ho Ho Ho! XMas Fish says hello!
Here is a photo of a friendly little SANTA FISH! He wants to say hello. Please be aware that I used CGI to create this picture -- the fish isn't really wearing a Santa hat!

Now, I was given a "rashie" for Christmas which is pretty  much like a stretchy t-shirt that you wear in the water. Like a poor-man's wetsuit, if you like.

Since wearing this in the water, I have noticed the fish are much more friendly. Today I spent a few minutes swimming in big lazy circles while about 20 fish followed behind me. Then when I stopped they all circled me, easily within a meter. Mostly Zebra fish, but a couple of Blowfish there too.

It is possible that they are mistaking my dark-purple rashie for the skin of a friendly seal. Fish will often swim behind an Arctic seal and nibble at the crumbs that it leaves behind as it feeds. Either that, or they are simply getting used to seeing me. The fear is gone. I'm really building a bond with these little guys.

I am busy with my kids for 4 days now. But next weekend, I should be able to post my "Map of the Pool". This will show the best (and worst) spots to check out, when you get to Mettam's Pool.

Happy Christmas snorkellers!


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