Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fish-O-Pedia Entry 1

Greetings land lubbers!

Strong wind has kept me away from the ocean this afternoon. So I decided to knuckle down and complete the first entry in my Fish-O-Pedia! Enjoy this detailed look at the actual wildlife which I've observed at Trigg Tidal Pool. Learn the "common name" for each fish, followed by the Latin original.
Fish-O-Pedia, page 1, 9/12/10, All Rights Reserved (c)

More pages to follow.

Also, keep an eye out for future blogs I may be starting -- Gray's Scuba Diving Adventures(*), and Gray's Scooter Adventures(**)!

May your mask stay fog-free, and your purge valve dry!


* - Likelihood of me saving $500 to take a scuba diving course = 0%
** - Scooter won't be purchased until end of March 2011

1 comment:

  1. Dear Blogger,

    Forget the scooter my friend, with entries like these it wont be long before your scouted by a high end newspaper for your writing skills and be cruising around in a HumVee ha ha ha. Your fish-o-pedia should be written into a book not a blog my friend. Anyway I look forward to reading about your adventures from the upcoming weekend.

    Snorkel hard friend

    Uhhh John Smithson again
