Sunday, November 13, 2011

[Cooking] Quick and Easy Pancakes

Pancakes are everybody's favourite.  I've never heard anybody say, "I don't like pancakes". Ever. You simply won't hear that sentence in your lifetime.

History of the Dish: Originally, pancakes (derived from the latin, "pan" and "cake") was simple a way for poor Scottish farmers to use up a stale cake. Cake is a staple food in Scotland, but after a few days, they would be stale. By simply frying the stale cake in a pan with butter, they became edible again!

Over the years, this recipe evolved to replace the actual "cake" with a simple batter of eggs and flour -- but the name "pan cake" still remains!

What you will need:

- Eggs x2 I think (I've forgotten)
- Flour ... I don't know how much. Just tip some in the bowl with the eggs.
- Milk. Again, I guess about 1 cup. Just tip some in and be done with it.
- Lemon juice from a bottle*
- White sugar

* You could also try fancy fillings like jam, or smoked salmon, but for now we'll keep it simple.

 Step 1 - Prepare Batter

Pretty easy. Just mix the eggs, milk and flour with a fork. You might want to use an electric mixer. Or you might not.
Hello little eggy-weggy! Hello there!! Who's a cute little fella then??

Step 2 - Cook the batter

Chuck some butter in a frying pan, heat it up to MEDIUM, not too hot. Then tip in the batter. The real secret to good pancakes is width -- many morons will simply tip in the batter to fill to the edges of the pan. That's where they go wrong! The trick is to tip in only enough to cover half the pan, then tip the pan from side to side to spread it out. Nice and thin.

Let it cook for about a minute, maybe two, then turn it over with a spatula. No need to "flip" it, that's just wanky, and something that "proper Chef's" do to make themselves look good.

Step 3 - Eat the batter

Slap each pancake on a plate in the oven, set to lowest heat. This is to keep them warm while you cook the rest. When you're all done, take them out of the oven, squeeze lemon juice all over them, and sprinkle copious amounts of sugar on them.

Then simply roll them up, and enjoy!

A lovely Mediterranean breakfast!


[Minecraft] Survival Island - Day 2

Back to it then. Dug a staircase down into the caves and explored. Found plenty of iron and loads of coal. Heck I even found some redstone which is pretty much useless at this point but I took it anyway:

So now I've got iron and coal up the yin-yang. I made a bucket and improved my little garden. This wheat better grow soon, I'm so hungry I can't even sprint any more:
Grow, my little prettys .... Grow ..... GROW!!!!
Also I found an Enderman roaming in my caves. What a beautiful specimen! Notice the elongated arms, glowing eyes, and cat-like grace of this mystical creature! But since he was randomly moving around blocks in my cave, I immediately slaughtered him. This is MY CAVE, BITCH!
"Sir put down the stone block, and step away with your overly-long arms in the air!"

In the early morning I opened my cave and fought off some spiders, zombies and skeletons that had spawned on the surface. Lots of string ... If I get some more tomorrow morning I'll have enough to craft wool, and then a bed, so that I can skip the nights if I want. Or just make a picture to hang on my cave wall.

I was also happy to get the bones. I made Bone Meal and used it on my 2 limp, soggy saplings that were just refusing to grow into trees, despite a couple of days of bright sun and heavy rain. Voila!
Wood for me! Yum yum. I love wood.

I cut them down and they gave me 6 new saplings. Now I'd have all the wood I'd ever need! BWAHAHAHAHA!! This is getting almost too easy.
