Sunday, November 13, 2011

[Minecraft] Survival Island - Day 2

Back to it then. Dug a staircase down into the caves and explored. Found plenty of iron and loads of coal. Heck I even found some redstone which is pretty much useless at this point but I took it anyway:

So now I've got iron and coal up the yin-yang. I made a bucket and improved my little garden. This wheat better grow soon, I'm so hungry I can't even sprint any more:
Grow, my little prettys .... Grow ..... GROW!!!!
Also I found an Enderman roaming in my caves. What a beautiful specimen! Notice the elongated arms, glowing eyes, and cat-like grace of this mystical creature! But since he was randomly moving around blocks in my cave, I immediately slaughtered him. This is MY CAVE, BITCH!
"Sir put down the stone block, and step away with your overly-long arms in the air!"

In the early morning I opened my cave and fought off some spiders, zombies and skeletons that had spawned on the surface. Lots of string ... If I get some more tomorrow morning I'll have enough to craft wool, and then a bed, so that I can skip the nights if I want. Or just make a picture to hang on my cave wall.

I was also happy to get the bones. I made Bone Meal and used it on my 2 limp, soggy saplings that were just refusing to grow into trees, despite a couple of days of bright sun and heavy rain. Voila!
Wood for me! Yum yum. I love wood.

I cut them down and they gave me 6 new saplings. Now I'd have all the wood I'd ever need! BWAHAHAHAHA!! This is getting almost too easy.


1 comment:

  1. you win mate ,i'm never going to beat you at this,far to complicated for me,lol.d.s.
