Just some thoughts while watching a Let's Play for the latest Aliens vs Predator game ... These comments refer specifically to that game, but I'm sure they apply to many other FPS games too. Don't tell me to stop whinging. I'll stop whinging when multi-national gaming companies stop putting out absolute tripe for $120. And it's my blog, so get stuffed ...
Treating the player like a 12-year old. How many FPS games start with a cutscene, and then somebody in your earpiece telling you "look around a bit ... good. Now walk around a bit.". After you move the right analogue stick, they tell you "use your flashlight for dark places" and the screen pops up "Hit Y to switch on your light" ... I'm sick of it. Show the basic controls on the loading screen, and leave it at that. Maybe have a tutorial level at the start, which you can skip if you've played a FPS before. I've been playing FPS's since Wolfenstein 3D, I don't need it explained to me every ... single ... game!!
Too "Hollywood". Everything is scripted to the Nth degree. The scares are paced so predictably. First a dark room, then around a corner you get a panel shooting off in a jet of steam, then some screaming and gunfire over the radio ... Look, it was scary 10 years ago. How about trying something different? How about some dynamism in the paths you can take through the levels, letting the player find their own route, throwing in some NPC's with basic AI routines so that you actually feel like there is a fire-fight going on.
Audio logs. Look, it worked OK-ish in Doom 3, but let's move on now shall we? It's so unrealistic. Why are all the other people dropping audio logs everywhere when they die? And they only ever talk about 2 things -- how scared the person is, or you. Yes, it seems all the other people in the game make random audio recordings with their thoughts about you. So unrealistic. If I was stranded on a strange planet with Xenomorphs everywhere, do you really think I'd take the time to record "my thoughts on the rookie"? No, I wouldn't.
And for God's sake, you've spent $600,000 on the graphics, $100,000 on the script -- how about spending something on some decent voice actors?
Immersion is unrealistic. Like I said, you feel like you're walking down a tightly scripted path. Because you are. Just ahead of you, people die and drop audio logs, like breadcrumbs for you to find. Occasionally you might join up with some of your squad mates, but rest assured you'll be separated again soon. Why? Because it's "more scary" to be alone. Sure it is. But it's pretty predictable too.
The "Michael Bay" Over-saturation Effect. This spoiled Transformers 2 for me. I'm talking about when every shot is so over-processed that it becomes unrealistic. In Transformers 2 it was every action sequence with it's perfectly-framed, spinning, slow-motion shot. In the AvP game, it's the environment. The placement of every light, every jet of steam, every piece of broken machinery ... Nothing looks natural any more.
The "voice in your ear". I've touched on this, but let me rip it to shreds a little more. So the player is considered "a nameless rookie" (typical), yet there is another Marine who finds the time to talk you through every little activity. "Oh, you're in Ops ... I've rerouted the power for you" ... "Careful, I'm seeing some hostile movement in your area" ... What the FUCK, lady??! Aren't you fighting for your life somewhere? If you're not, and you obviously know where I am, shouldn't you be coming to collect me?
The HUD or overlay. I honestly thought we would have moved past this by now. If you want to show the player how much ammo they have, put a display on the side of the gun. If you want to express to the player how injured they are, make them experience physical effects of injuries -- limping, reduced turning speed, blurred vision, gasping in pain, heavy breathing ... Can we PLEASE get rid of health bars?!?
Also I'm sick and tired of flashing boxes, or pulsing arrows, showing me where the switch is to open the next area. Just put the player in the room. They will work it out. We don't need our hand held every freaking step of the way, thankyou very much. Am I playing this game, or is it playing me? Look back at the original Doom. It had switches to open doors on the other side of the level and we managed just fine. We didn't need "objective arrows" or any of that bullshit.
Power cells for generators. Come on. This is "make work". How did the cells get removed from the generator? Why are they scattered in the room right before the generator? Don't tell me it's a "puzzle" when the cells are the only thing in the room glowing bright blue ... and the generator has a flashing box displayed over it, and the words "Hold X to interact" come up. Christ almighty!
LOL just watched the bit where you finally reach the chick. She gives you a better gun, then conveniently, another squad calls for backup and she sends you. So off you go on your own again. Brilliant .... HOW BELIEVABLE IS THIS? It's silly ... Now we reach the other squad, and guess what? They're all dead. What a surprise. I'm out of here ...
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