[This is an opinion piece on "Pinball HD" by Gameprom. The official website is here.]
Let me just say I've never actually played real pinball. Never interested me before, but I will now jump on the next machine I see -- Pinball HD is awesome!
It's pretty much a real pinball table created inside the iPhone, rather than a pinball game created for the iPhone. The difference is, everything exists in 3D and the camera smoothly zooms, swoops and pans to keep the action on the screen. The ball behaves with completely realistic physics. If the table has a spinny-whirly thing, it doesn't just use the graphics of a spinny-whirly thing -- it actually spins a 3D plate within the table, which sends the ball flying. As far as I can tell anyway. Even the sounds are realistic. Even the little dot-matrix scoreboard animations at the top of the screen are realistic.
For $0.99, you get 3 complete tables.
Wild West is the most simple. You can tag targets to get the Bank open, then send the ball up that ramp to bounce around the bumpers, robbing the bank and collecting loads of points. You can hit the tricky entrance to the "gold mine", you'll blast along the rail-cart track and end up with loads of points. You can tag other targets, then hit a hole and you get to "Shoot Dirty Harry" -- if you aim the ball just right, you can hit him and get loads of points. He is actually a little figurine that moves out and along a track. Just like a real pinball table -- the illusion never gets broken.
Ah, wooden surface and cheesy cowboy music! I love this table. |
The Deep is my favourite table. You have the gentle ambient soundtrack, the dark-blue colouring, and sweeping ramps, voices that talk to you when you get missions, or hit certain goals. A circle in the middle of the table lights up to track your progress as you complete the "missions", which involve just getting the ball to a certain target or ramp on the table. It's awesome.
Again, this is juts the top-third of the table or so. |
Then there is
Jungle which I haven't learnt yet. It almost looks too chaotic, but still seems to be awesome. Wish I took a full-table screenshot for you.
This is only a small part of the table. It's zoomed in, man! |
You can force a static complete-table view just by swiping outwards, and re-enable the dynamic camera at any time. You can tilt to landscape and it will seamlessly shift your perspective to a low-down, full-table view, if you prefer. It's all very smooth and polished.
I think the enjoyment of pinball comes from the heavily-themed table with sounds and music, the "pachinko" or luck factor of the ball bouncing around the bumpers, and the skill of completing tasks. Yes it's obviously a skill-based game, since my high scores have been increasing massively as I play more. And it's completely non-violent! Brilliant change of pace.
Finally, I have to mention the scoreboards -- you get local scores, and Game Center worldwide scores. Keeps you motivated to shoot for the top 10! Also, this game has loads of achievements which discreetly slide in from the side when you get them. They are interesting too, like "Pillage $X from the Indian village" and "Hunt and kill 10 sharks" and stuff.
Pinball HD - 5 out of 5
Increase your power levels, then blast down the ramp and smash open the treasure chest! |